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Exciting Update to Our League Format!

The PPL is bringing Pickleball leagues to the masses. You don’t have to be in a club, you don’t have to change your schedule, you just have to want to play pickleball!

We are thrilled to announce a new and improved format for our league, designed to provide flexibility and competitive fun for all participants. Here’s how it works:

  • Team Structure: Each team will consist of two players.
  • Weekly Matches: Your team will play against three other teams every week. The matches will be held weekly on specific weekday evenings at a set time and location.
  • Season Duration: The league duration will range between 8-12 weeks.
  • Flexible Participation: The PPL provides unparalleled flexibility, enabling players to sign up at any time and participate in any of the 12-week season. This allows you to play only during the weeks that suit your schedule.
  • Scoring and Standings: With a focus on total points, the more you play, the higher you can climb in the standings. This system rewards consistent participation and encourages players to engage fully throughout the season.
  • Uploading Scores: Each team is responsible for reporting their scores within 48 hours of their matches. Report any discrepancies.
  • Season Finale: At the end of the season, the top 4 teams will compete in a round-robin tournament to determine the league champions!

We’re excited about this new format and can’t wait to see you all in action. Sign up now and get ready for a season of fun, flexibility, and fierce competition!

For more information on how to enter scores, click HERE!

For a comprehensive list of rules regarding flex leagues, click HERE!


Leagues can be broken down into four levels of skill, or experience.

  1. Beginner:
    1. Players at the beginner level are new to pickleball or have limited experience.
    2. They usually remember the basic rules, techniques, and court positioning.
    3. Beginners may struggle with consistent ball placement and controlling the speed of their shots.
    4. They are often working on developing their footwork, and understanding of the game’s strategy.
  2. Intermediate:
    1. Intermediate players have gained some experience and are more familiar with the game’s rules and techniques.
    2. They can consistently hit basic shots such as groundstrokes, volleys, and serves.
    3. Intermediate players have better control over ball placement and can generate moderate power in their shots.
    4. They have a good understanding of court positioning and can anticipate opponents’ shots to some extent.
    5. Intermediate players may still have some weaknesses in their game and are working on refining their skills and consistency.
  3. Advanced:
    1. Advanced players have a high level of skill and experience in pickleball.
    2. They possess excellent shot-making ability and can execute a wide range of shots with control and precision.
    3. Advanced players have developed a strong understanding of the game’s strategy, including shot selection, court coverage, and positioning.
    4. They have good footwork and can move quickly and efficiently around the court.
    5. Advanced players often have more consistent and powerful serves,  can handle faster-paced gameplay, and make very few unforced errors.
  4. Champion:
    1. Expert players are among the top-tier pickleball players, often competing at a professional level.
    2. They possess exceptional skills, including advanced shot-making, exceptional control, and consistency.
    3. Experts have a deep understanding of the game’s strategy and can adapt their tactics based on opponents’ strengths and weaknesses.
    4. They have excellent court coverage, agility, and reflexes.
    5. Expert players can generate significant power in their shots and exhibit a high level of finesse and touch in their gameplay.

Note: It can be difficult to determine the right skill level to place yourself into, but try and do your best. If this is your first time playing in a league, we would generally recommend Beginner or Intermediate, depending on your level of familiarity with the rules and basic principles of the game.